TIA Rewind - Season 8 - Risa Sera vs X - 60 Minute Iron Woman Gauntlet Death Match

This rewind takes us back to the height of our pandemic-era sessions that saw at least one of our cohosts recording most of the episodes in a closet.

Today we are flashing back to season 8 and the Risa Sera 60 minute Iron Woman gauntlet death match that also happens to double as our main star's birthday present to herself. While much more tame than our previous deathmatch flashback, this one still carries a minor content warning, especially for those of you who are squeemish about the consumption of raw eggs.

There is chaos energy all over this episode, particularly coming from Joaquin who may or may not have been driven mad by this strange Joshi classic. Enjoy this as well as the incredible art that Joaquin designed in tribute!

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